Saturday, 31 March 2012

Reflecting on Technology: Looking to the Future

Besides applying the tools I’ve explored during this inquiry into my own educational practice, I hope to share what I have learned in this class with others. First of all, I hope to host after school workshops for colleagues at the school where I work. I designed a Google survey to better tailor these workshops to their needs. My ultimate goal is that one of these mini-workshops will develop into a workshop that I could lead at the annual CTABC conference for independent school teachers. I have never led a workshop and feel it would be a great opportunity for professional growth. I also plan to continue blogging professionally, as it has been an enriching and challenging experience that has resulted in much professional development.  I plan to continue exploring the relationship between art and technology on this blog. I would also like to learn more about podcasts and screencasts to experience writing in different genres. I want to explore Edmodo as an alternative to Twiiter for micro blogging and plan to investigate and JUX. The journey continues!

Five years ago, I did not even own a cell phone and often experienced technology induced panic attacks. Five years later, things have changed- both in my attitude towards technology and the technology that is available. LIBE 461 first challenged me to step out of my comfort zone and grow in my knowledge of technology. Every step I have taken in that direction has helped my confidence grow and helped me push further. LIBE 477 provided me with the chance to take my first intentional steps towards developing a positive online footprint. Exploring the world of Web 2.0 (a term which I could not even define at the beginning of this course!) has helped me discover a wealth of free tools that are really quite simple to use. The successes I’ve experienced using these tools and my deepening understanding of the role of Teacher Librarian motivate me to want to learn more. "Teacher librarianship is not just something extra. It’s a brainstorming, mind shifting, electrifying opportunity to meet 21st century learning needs in all its dimensions head on" (O’Connel, 2012). I truly feel like I have really just embarked on my technology journey and am excited to see where I’ll be five years from now!

Historical Figurez Movie
by: ememmott

Works Cited:

O'Connell, J. (2012, February28). Rat Cunning and Library 2.0 [Web log post]. Retrieved from

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