"A crucial first step in helping students negotiate the Web is for teachers to become part of the world of Web.20 themselves" (Kist, 2010, p.72).

In terms of applications for education the possibilities are numerous, from online literature circles, world wide "blog" pals, e-potfolios, blogs to support curriculum, blogs as class portals, and more. For a comprehensive guide on using blogs in the classroom check out Web 2.0 in the classroom.What has struck me most thus far however, are the benefits of blogging in the classroom.
So what exactly can blogs do to improve student learning?
I particularity like Will Richardson's answer in Blogs, Wikis, Podcasts, and Other Powerful Web Tools for Classrooms. His six main points are summarized below. Blogs:
- "... are a constructivist tool for learning"
- "expand the walls of the classroom"
- "archive the learning the teachers and students do"
- are "a democratic tool that support different learning styles."
- "can enhance the development of expertise in a particular subject"
- "can teach students the new literacies they will need to funtion in an ever-expanding infromation society" (Richardson, 2010, p.27)
So... How do I blog?
Richardson states "...we write not just to communicate but to connect with others who can potentially teach us more..." and that blogs are "...not built on static chunks of content. Instead, they are comprised of reflections and conversations..." (Richardson, 2010, p.28). The key points in the latter statements being connecting and conversing with others. This distinguishes the difference between a journal and a blog. As a form of professional development, blogs "...need to be more than just a place to pontificate." (Kist, 2010, p. 62). They need to become a places to explore ideas, ask questions, share, make connections, link, collaborate, grow.
Step 1 in using blogs to grow professionally: Blog myself.
Step 2 in using blogs to grow professionally: Follow other educators blogs. This is my next step! I plan to continue adding to my blog roll and exploring the use of RSS feed and a blog aggregator to manage this.
Question:What educators' blogs do you love to follow?
Works Cited:
Kist, W. (2010). The Socially Networked Classroom: Teaching in the New Media Age. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.
Richardson, W. (2010). Blogs, Wikis, Podcasts. and Other Powerful Web Tools for Classrooms. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.
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